Next, youll be prompted to select the data you would like to export: Click Menu in the top right corner of main window and select Export. GE rises to the challenge of building a world that works.There are two major parts of the answer to that question.On a module quality basis, the A-10C is vastly superior. It is MUCH more complete, more in-depth, and is of a much higher overall quality in terms of polish. Bell Helicopters - aircraft- Home Helicopters Manuals Bell Helicopters.Originally posted by katieloukhaos:Completely different! I fly the Hawg a lot and the C/C II have a lot more going on to think about when you're flying.The A-10C module is one of oldest and ED put great pains into polishing and completing it as much as was possible. It's a heck of a lot to learn but also well worth putting the time in. I don't touch the A10a anymore.Flying the A-10C. First of all make sure you are running the game in Sim / Realistic mode :) (from the options screen) The A-10C is a very easy plane to fly.
But it is no fighter jet, it is much more like a glider or UAV (infact the shape of it is quite similar to those).
That is if gliders and UAV's had giant gatling guns, smart bombs, and.